Institution’s Mission
The legal authority and operating control of the institution are clearly defined for the following areas within the institution’s governance structure: (Governing Board Control)
JUDGMENT: Compliant
Legal authority for the Southwest Texas Junior College mission is clearly defined in SWTJC Policy AD (Legal), which outlines a community college’s role and mission based on Texas Education Code 130.0011. SWTJC Policy AD (Local) is likewise based on the legal precedent of Education Code 130.0011 and defines the SWTJC mission in clear, succinct language. The service area for the College district is set out in Texas Education Code 130.200 as Zavala, Uvalde, Real, Dimmit, Frio, Kinney, La Salle, Maverick, Medina, Val Verde, and Edwards counties.
Operating control for the Southwest Texas Junior College mission is clearly defined in SWTJC Policy BAA (Legal), which outlines the legal status of the college’s board, including powers, duties, and responsibilities. This policy is based on Texas Education Code 51.352(a). This State law specifies that the College’s Board:
- Is expected to preserve institutional independence and defend its right to manage its own affairs through its chosen administrators and employees (TEC 51.352(a)(1));
- Shall enhance the public image of each institution under its governance (TEC 51.352(a)(2);
- Shall interpret the community to the campus and interpret the campus to the community (TEC 51.352(a)(3);
- Shall nurture each institution under its governance to the end that each institution achieves its full potential within its role and mission (TEC 51.352(a)(4); and
- Shall insist on clarity of focus and mission of each institution under its governance (TEC 51.352(a)(5).
Southwest Texas Junior College operates under a clearly defined comprehensive mission, which is periodically reviewed and updated for approval by the SWTJC Board of Trustees. The mission, augmented by a vision statement, is included in the SWTJC Strategic Plan, which is reviewed and updated on a five-year cycle.
Previous review and updates of the SWTJC Strategic Plan (and mission statement) took place in 2006, 2010, and 2013. In the spring of 2013, a period review was initiated. The college’s Curriculum Committee and the Service Operations Committee worked together to propose a shorter, clearer version of the SWTJC mission statement to the President’s Cabinet. The SWTJC Board of Trustees adopted the revised mission statement on August 15, 2013.
The latest review and update of the SWTJC Strategic Plan was undertaken in the spring of 2014 and approved by the SWTJC Board of Trustees on June 19, 2014.
SWTJC Policy AD (Legal) Educational Role, Mission, Purpose, and Responsibility
Texas Education Code 130.0011 Public Junior Colleges, Role and Mission
SWTJC Policy AD (Local) Educational Role, Mission, Purpose, and Responsibility
Texas Education Code 130.200 Southwest Texas Junior College District Service Area
SWTJC Policy BAA (Legal) Board Legal Status, Powers, Duties, Responsibilities
Texas Education Code 51.352(a) Responsibility of Governing Boards
SWTJC Mission Review 2006
SWTJC Mission Statement Review August 8, 2013
SWTJC Cabinet Minutes
Board of Trustees Minutes, August 15, 2013
SWTJC Strategic Plan 2014-2019
Board of Trustees Minutes, June 19, 2014